john2666Apr 21, 20231 min - Gethsemane musicalWhy sign up to watch Gethsemane?Watch Gethsemane (on YouTube) from the comfort of your own home, or hotel room,any time of day or night.Invite your friends to watch it. Listen to the songs as often as you like until you cancel your subscription.Download the script and program as a pdf for free. Sign up for the super early bird for only £10
Why sign up to watch Gethsemane?Watch Gethsemane (on YouTube) from the comfort of your own home, or hotel room,any time of day or night.Invite your friends to watch it. Listen to the songs as often as you like until you cancel your subscription.Download the script and program as a pdf for free. Sign up for the super early bird for only £10
Gethsemane - EdFringe 2023I had to make the tough decision to cut some music from the show, but I've added it to the "Bonus music" page. Remember, sign up now for...